Washington City Church (1894- )
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 4, 1894 page 645 Vol. 32 No. 35 Some days ago the members (twenty-six in all) in Some days ago the members (twenty-six in all) in Washington City were organized into a congregation, and are now fully prepared to enter upon their work with renewed zeal and activity. It is gratifying to know that we have a church in the Capital of this great republic. Success to the church at Washington were organized into a congregation, and are now fully prepared to enter upon their work with renewed zeal and activity. It is gratifying to know that we have a church in the Capital of this great republic. Success to the church at Washington.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 4, 1894 page 557 Vol. 32 No. 35 From Washington City, D. C. Having recently visited the above-named place I desire to report the result of our work and trust it may prove interesting to Borne of the readers of the Gospel Messenger. I went to Washington, D. C, Aug. 4. Next day, at 9 A. M. we met with their Sunday school At 10: 30 public preaching was held and at 6: 30 P. M. f we met in church council. The character of the meeting is fully set forth in the minutes of said meeting which are as follows:
Elder S. F. Sanger, of Virginia, having been appointed by the General Missionary and Tract Committee to effect an organization ol the members of the Brethren or German Baptist church at this place, having called to his assistance, elders E. W. Stoner ol Maryland, and John S. Holsinger, of Virginia, met In council with the members of this city Aug. 5, at 6: 30 P. M. The meeting was opened with the usual devotional exercises. Bro. J. A. Garber was chosen secretary of the meeting. Eld. Sanger stated the object of the meeting and explained fully the regulations of the church and what was necessary to perfect the organization. The members were then requested to present their certificates of church membership. There were twenty-six members enrolled (whose former homes were In six different states. Further explanations were here made by Eld. Sanger In regard to the principles of the Brotherhood and the necessity of the members at this place, as well as elsewhere, complying with these principles. The principles particularly referred to were—non-swearing, non-resistance, non-secretlsm, nonconformity to the world, the prayer coveting, non-wearing of gold, costly array, etc. Kid. Stoner stated further (In addition to what was stated before) that another very Important feature In church work is perfect union. Eld. Holsinger confirmed the admonitions and instructions referred to above, especially emphasizing the practice of non- conformity to the world. Brethren W, M. Lyon and George F. Tabler, ministers, and C. E. Neal, deacon, were then asked whether they, as officers of the church, were willing to carry out the general order and rules of the church. Brethren Lyon and Tabler answered in the affirmative. Bro. Neal asked to be excused from his office, which matter was deferred and passed as unfinished business. The vote of the church was then taken upon the following questions: 1. Are you wilting to conform to the requirements of the church and assist In carrying out the principles of the Brotherhood? a. Who shall be the elder that shall have the oversight of the church at this place? 3. Are you willing to accept the officers as such, who are here and whose letters have been presented at this meeting? The vote of the members shows an almost unanimous acceptance of the principles of the church (one dissenting), Eld E. W. Stover was chosen as the elder of this church. Brethren Lyon and Tabler were accepted as ministers. After several suggestions as to what name the church here shall be known by, It was decided that It be called " The Washington City Church." The meeting was closed by singing and prayer. J. A. Garber, Sec.
We have a twofold object in giving the foregoing minutes as fall as we have. First, because we were inexperienced in this kind of work and were unable to obtain the desired information as to the proper course of procedure in such work, from those with whom we conferred,—a number of them being aged elders. If the course we pursued is not proper, or according to our usages, we would be glad to have our work criticized or have the correct course of procedure set forth in an article in the Gospel Messenger, so that others, with myself, can be benefited. Oar second reason is for the benefit of those who know of members or friends living in Washington who feel an interest in the work and progress of our Fraternity. The public services and Sunday School of our Brethren are held each Sunday in the " National Bank Capital Building," 318 Pennsylvania Avenue, S E. Prayer meetings are held each Wednesday evening at the residence of Bro. W. M. Lyon, 316 Ninth Street, S E. A church house is the greatest need of this body of members at present. All who feel to help in procuring a churchhouse in Washington, where people assemble, not only from every State and Territory in our great Republic, but from all the civilize nation of the world, can do so. All contributions should be sent to Galen B. Boyer, Mt. Morris, Ill., who will gratefully acknowledge the receipt of same. (See his last report in Gospel Messenger). Those who know of members who contemplate locating in Washington City will please aid them by giving the location of Bro. Lyon as above stated. The success of the church in this city will depend largely upon the aid and sympathy given to Bro. Lyon and the little hand of members there, by our members,—especially by those who come in contact with them. B. F. Sanger. Bridgewater, Va.
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