Oysterville Church Marion
Andrew and children In 1880 the Andrews family became the first Brethren to move into the Oysterville area. The Following letter appeared in the Gospel Messenger (1883 page 124). “Brethren looking for homes in Oregon or W. Ter., I think would do well to look at the western parts. We have a mild climate, and the best of health on coast. The land is fertile: good markets; good country for stock and dairying; fish of all kinds are plentiful. I have been on the Pacific Coast for eighteen years and this is my choice. There are five members here, and we would be glad to have a minister come and settle with us. -- Any one can address me at Ilwaco, Pacific Co., W. Ter. M E. Andrews.” Marion E Andrews and wife Elizabeth turned their church membership into the Powell Valley Church (East of Portland area) Aug. 22, 1883[1], as this was the closest established church. Marion was a minister in the 1st Degree, being elected to the ministry in 1878 at Stockton Calif. before coming to Washington. Bro. Andrews did some preaching in the area as recorded in the following article of the South Bend Journal under Nasel Notes. “Marion Andrews of Oysterville held service here last Sunday[2].” They were also visited occasionally by other Brethren ministers, such as David Brower and George C Carl who held revival meeting. In the South Bend Journal we find two such meeting listed. “ Dunkard Revival are soon to be held here. Marion Andrews and a preacher from Grays Harbor will be in charge[3]” and “Revival meeting are now in progress at the M. E. Church by the Dunkards, Rev. Carlyle from Chehalis in charge[4]”. George Carl was sent to Oysterville by the District Mission Board to help in the work, he and his family arrived on Oct. 27, 1896. Then in Dec. of 1896 Bro. J. U. G. Stiverson and family was also sent to Oysterville to replace Bro. Carl as he wanted to move back to Oregon. The first know baptism in the area was Annie Carl, Daughter of George C. Carl on Jan. 24, 1897 in the bay by Bro. J. U. G. Stiverson. A church was organized on Feb. 6, 1897 and was called the Oysterville German Baptist Brethren church with ten charter members: J. U. G. Stiverson preached at the following places while he lived in Oysterville. M. E. Church in Oysterville, Nasell Hall, Nahocotta Schoolhouse, Church in Ilwaco, Nasell Schoolhouse, Baptist Church in Oysterville, Long Branch Schoolhouse ,Union Congregational Church at Long Beach and at Stringtown, After Marion Andrews moved to California in 1904, this left the church with out a minister or leader and the work fell by the way side and the church was disorganized by 1908. No official Church records exist for the Oysterville church but the following was taken from J. U. G. Stiverson daily diary while he lived in Oysterville and articles from the Gospel Messenger. Jan.
24, 1897 Anne Carl - Baptized in Bay Sources: 1895, 1897, 1893 State Census Pacific Co., WA