West Pine Church (1878-1884)
History of Crawford and Richland Counties, Wisconsin - Union Publishing Company - Springfield, IL - 1884 Page 1054 Chapter 25 - Town of Henrietta. A Dunkard, or German Baptist, society was organized in the vicinity of Woodstock in 1878. Revs. Myers and Forney were the first preachers. Meetings are now held once a month at the house of Joseph Turner on section 4, in the town of Rockbridge, and once each month in the town of Bloom. Rev. George Turner is the present pastor.
Brethren at Work Sept. 26, 1878 Vol. III No. 39 Brethren Daniel Frey and Martin Meyer have returned from their trip to the Wisconsin Mission field, and report excellent meetings and the best of prospects. While there they held seventeen meetings, four council meetings and two elections. The church was divided into two congregations, by a line running North and south. Bro. Caleb Fogle was advanced to the second degree and George Turner elected to the ministry. One was expelled, two reclaimed were from other denominations, excepting one. There are about seventy members in that part of Wis. They have two deacons in each congregation. The prospects for many more members are said to be excellent
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 2, 1884 page 566 Vol. 22 No. 36 On the Saturday the 16th, met with the brethren and sisters of the West Pine River and Oak Ridge churches in council. The first business of the meeting was a proposition to consolidate, or unite the two congregations into one, as both churches had grown week by emigration. After some remarks on the subject, the question was put before the meeting and passed unanimously. The motion was the presented to meeting to drop both the former names, and call the congregation as it now exists, the Forest Church, which also met with the entire favor of the meeting. |