Stanley Chruch (1919-)
The Gospel Messenger March 22, 1919 page 188 Vol. 68 No. 12 A NEW CHURCH, STANLEY, WISCONSIN The folks who stand by and say: "It can't be done," sometimes are forced to stop and catch their breath when almost in an instant they are shown that it can be done. For some time a number of our members have been living in Stanley, Wis., where there is no organized church in town. They have been holding their membership in either the Worden or the Maple Grove church, each of which is out from Stanley about eight miles. These members have felt that they would like to have services in town, but had no place in which to meet. A short time ago a committee, appointed for the purpose, started to secure funds for the purchase of a church. In one week's time the entire amount needed to pay for a church was raised in the community, and they purchased the Synod Lutheran church, paying $3,000 for it. They are now ready to do business for the Master in their own comfortable building. They met for the first time last Sunday, in this new church home, and got their Sunday-school started. Bro. .1. M. Myers, who is pastor of the Worden and the Maple Grove churches, lives in Stanley and has rendered valuable assistance in getting this work started. Thinking of the folks who say that things can not be done in Wisconsin, one can only smile and say: "They have never been there." May the Lord bless the work of these devoted people, who have so resolutely set their shoulders to the wheel. Any members, contemplating moving into a desirable community, will find it worth while to investigate the communities in the vicinity of Stanley Wis. Elgin, Ill. S. C. Miller.
The Gospel Messenger April 12, 1919 page 240 Vol. 68 No. 15 Stanley.—The members met in the recently purchased church March 29, for the purpose of organizing the new congregation. Brethren S. C. Miller and O. D. Buck met with us, the former presiding. We had received permission to organize from our mother churches. Maple Grove and Worden. There are forty- six members in our new organization and six applicants awaiting baptism, which they will receive as soon as the new baptistry can be installed. Bro. S. C. Miller was elected elder. A ministerial committee was appointed, to work with the Mission Board in securing a pastor. The church Christian Workers and Sunday-school officers were elected, with Bro. O. W. Henderson, Sunday-school superintendent. For some time we have been worshiping, with Bro. J. M: Myers, pastor of the Worden church, administering to us. Our average attendance has been fifty-four, but we expect the number to increase since we are organized. A Protestant hospital is being built in this city, and our church has decided to furnish one room. We are just beginning our new work at this place and hope and pray for success.—Clara E. Winkler, Stanley, Wis., April 1. |