Maple Grove Church (1885-)
The Gospel Messenger April 3, 1888 page 222 History of the Organization of the First Congregation of the Brethren Church in Chippewa County, Wis. Oct. 16, at 2 P. M., the members comprising what is now called the Maple Grove congregation, met at the house of Bro. Henry Shock, for the purpose of being organized into a congregation, and to hold a love-feast. Elders D. M. Miller, from Lanark, Ill., and S. H. Baker, of Menomonie, Wis., were present. After devotional exercises, the members, numbering twenty, were instructed by Bro. Miller upon what conditions they could be organized, and what their duties, responsibilities and privileges would be. They unanimously expressed a desire to be organized, and agreed to be governed by the counsels of the Brotherhood. They then chose Eld. S. H. Baker to preside over them as their elder. They also chose Samuel Mitchell as Treasurer, and the writer, Clerk. They adopted the single mode of feet-washing. The congregation will be known as the Maple Grove, but there were no boundary lines designated. The exercises of the meeting, and the labors of the brethren closed with a communion held the same evening, and at the same place. Since then, Bro. Baker has moved among us; his wife and daughter are also members. There have, of late, been several other additions by letter. The extent of this field, and the labors devolving upon Bro. Baker, might well be compared to a man standing in the center of a large forest, a hundred miles square, and of whom it is expected that he clear it all, and prepare it for a crop. Who will come to help Bro. Baker? Brethren, pray that the seed planted here may grow and thrive! Alman Mock. Edson, Wis., March 12. |