Greenwood Church (1897-99)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 3, 1897 page 634 Vol. 35 No. 40 From Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Brethren D. E. Price and Simon E Yundt, of Mt. Morris, ILL , came to us, by order of the Home Mission Board of Northern Illinois and Wisconsin, in order to organize into a congregation the sixteen members living on the Peninsula The organization was effected Sept 4. Having already one deacon (the writer), the church also decided to hold an election for another deacon. The lot fell on Bro. Ely Miller, who was duly installed. The Brethren preached five times, and gave a talk to the children after Sunday school. On Monday, Sept. 6, Bro. D. E. Price went to Stanley, Wis. Bro. Yundt stayed and gave us two more meetings. An invitation was given, and four came forward and were baptized on Wednesday, after which Bro. Yundt also left us to meet the Brethren at Stanley. We extend an invitation to the brethren to return to us sometime in the future, and give us more meetings. We think their time was too short, especially so, since the interest increased each meeting. A number of the friends gathered at the waterside by the bay, to witness the baptismal scene, It was impressive to all, and the hearts of the members were filled with joy. The church chose for their elder, Bro H. C. Baker, of Pepin Co., Wis. Our church will be known as the Greenwood church. Door Co., Wis. H. J. Cripe. Sept. 10. |