Cloverdale Church (1909-19?)
The Gospel Messenger August 21, 1909 page 541 Cloverdale. Our little band of members met Aug. 9, for the purpose of organizing. Bro. M. W. Emmert, of Mt. Morris, Ill., and Bro. W. H. Byers, of Stanley, Wis., were with us. Bro. T. D. Van Buren was elected presiding elder, Sister Della Gibbs, Clerk; Bro. Jacob Burns, treasurer; Bro. G. W. Burns and Jacob Hoff, trustees. We decided to hold our first council meeting on Saturday. Sept. 4. We also decided to have a love feast this fall. We have given our little band the name “Cloverdale.” Brethren Emmert and Byer each gave us two encouraging sermons. We gladly welcome all members visiting in this part of Wisconsin. – Mrs. Lula Michell, R. D. 1, Laydsmith, Wis., Aug. 11