Barron Church (1888-1913)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 11, 1888 page 779 Vol. 26 No. 49 Mission Work in, Wisconsin. By request of the Brethren of Wisconsin, I left home Oct. 8, and arrived at Menomonee, Wis., next day. After stopping with Bro. Samuel Crist that night, we commenced meeting next day. Having no meetinghouse nor access to the school-house, we had our meeting in dwelling-houses until Saturday night, at which time we held a pleasant communion meeting at Bro. Nathaniel Kingkade's, in the Irvin Creek congregation. There were some of our German friends present, and we tried to address them in the German language while supper was being prepared. This seemed to awaken quite an interest. Next day being Sunday, we had three meetings, one at the house of an Old Order brother. On Monday I started, in company with Bro. S. H. Baker, of Edson, Wis., for Chippewa Valley. I arrived the same evening at Bro. H. C. Baker's, who has charge of that church, and commenced meetings at Peru school-house. I had four meetings in that vicinity. On Saturday we started for the "Bluff," where we held three meetings, and re-instated one dear sister. On Monday we started to Barron Co., commencing meeting on Wednesday evening and continuing one week. Four precious souls were baptized. We also organized a church and elected two deacons, Oliver Perry and B. F. Williams, and one minister, Eli Bowman. The brethren chose Bro. H. C. Baker, of Chippewa Valley, for their elder. Having moved the place of meeting a few miles north, we had meetings one week, and baptized three more precious souls. Nov. 6 we held a communion meeting, at the house of Bro. H. Joice. There were twenty-eight communicants present; also Bro. H, C. Baker, a minister. This being the first meeting of the kind ever held in this vicinity, more tears were shed, perhaps, than usual. The young members were all at the table, seven in number. Some of them had never seen the like before. One of them said, " Certainly, this is a heavenly place in Christ Jesus." This congregation is forty miles from any other body of members. Next evening we preached our farewell sermon, and then took the train for Euclair, where we arrived Nov. 8. Here Bro. Baker left for home. I went on to Menomonee, where I met the Irvin Creek Brethren the second lime. I preached for them sis sermons. Brethren S. Crist and J. Pippinger are the ministers. Monday, Oct. 13th, I reached home, and found ail well, for which we feel to thank God. We spent about five weeks with the Brethren of Wisconsin. I baptized seven precious souls, reclaimed two, organized one church, and had many promises of others coming to the church in the near future. Preaching in Wisconsin is needed, perhaps, as much as at any other place in the Brotherhood. However, there is one trouble with our efforts in Wisconsin. The country is settling up with Norwegians, who will not come to hear preaching. The American people here are generally from Indiana, — nearly all from our own district. I agreed to come back some time in the future, if the Lord will. Our trip was a pleasant one and will not soon be forgotten. I regret that I could not do justice to the work assigned me, as my time was limited. J. H. Sellers. |