Wiley Ford Church (1940-)
Gospel Messenger Jan. 11, 1941 page 26 Vol. 90 No. 2 West Virginia Board Activities Two members of the Ministerial Board, one from the Mission Board, one from the Board of Christian Education and one from the Board of Directors of the Child Rescue Home met with the Old Furnace congregation and effected the organization of the Wiley Ford congregation, which was originally a part of the Old Furnace congregation. From here on the evening of Dec. 1 the Ministerial Board went to the Tear Coat church and licensed Bro. Stahley Sowers to preach. Truly the harvest is great but the laborers are few. Eglon, W. Va. Emra T. Fike, Secretary Ministerial Board
Gospel Messenger Feb. 15, 1941 page 30 Vol. 90 No. 9 Old Furnace.—On Dec. 1 a committee of five brethren met with our congregation to divide the Wiley Ford church from the Old Furnace church, making it a congregation of its own. Our Christmas program was given on the Sunday night before Christmas. The first part of the program was given by the children and then a short play. The Song in the Air, was well rendered by some of the young people. At the December meeting of our aid society Ruth Whitacre was made president. The building fund is being increased by a contest between the young married people's class and the young people's class. The two classes turned over $35 to the building committee after their joint class meeting on Jan. 11. Different organizations have begun building funds. Our attendance at Sunday school and church on Sunday morning as well as at our B. Y. P. D. programs on Sunday night is keeping up well.—Mrs. Ruth Whitacre, Keyser, W. Va., Jan. 1
Gospel Messenger Feb. 15, 1941 page 31 Vol. 90 No. 9 Wiley Ford.—We were richly blessed in a two weeks' revival and consecration service under the leadership of Bro. E. A. Lambert, of Cherry Grove. The climax of the meeting was the love feast on the night of Oct. 13, with about seventy-five per cent of the membership present. Mrs. O. P. Jones, the district peace representative, was with us the night of Oct. 20. We have been giving financially in a small way to the peace program of the church. Nov. 10 was observed as educational and peace Sunday. Bro. Vernon Shanholtz delivered the sermons. Sister Agnes Border, a young minister from the Cumberland Church of the Brethren, was with us on Nov. 21 and delivered a very helpful Thanksgiving sermon. At this meeting a missionary offering was received. On Dec. 1 our church met with the members of the Old Furnace church in the presence of this district committee of elders to organize a separate congregation. On Wednesday nights of November and December we studied the book, The Doctrine of Peace. In connection with this study Bro. Shanholtz preached a series of messages from Isa. 9:6. On Jan. 19 the young people will give a play entitled Jesus, the Prince of Peace, after which Bro. Shanholtz will deliver his closing message. On Dec. 15, second anniversary Sunday, Eld. Ray Showalter, the new pastor of the Keyser church, delivered a strong and helpful sermon on peace. We greatly appreciate what the neighboring churches are doing for us. On Dec. 22 the B. Y. P. D. gave a short Christmas drama entitled Christmas Eve in Judea, followed by a Christmas pageant. Children of the Inn. The Sunday school rendered a program on Christmas night, at which time a missionary offering was received. The B. Y. P. D. gave twenty-eight Christmas baskets to the aged, shut-ins and needy. Prior to this time they gave baskets of groceries to the needy. A helpful watch service was in charge of the young people. The average Sunday-school attendance for the quarter was eighty-five. The women's work and aid society continue their activities. The adult Bible class organization is doing a splendid work.—Mae Shanholtz, Ridgeley, W. Va., Jan. 15