Smith Creek Fellowship Church (1918-80)
The Gospel Messenger August 17, 1918 page 520 Vol. 67 No. 33 “Smith Creek” is the name of the latest addition to the Northern Virginia churches. The members composing the new organization, were formerly a part of the Cooks Creek church.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 17, 1918 page 528 Vol. 67 No. 33 Smith Creek church met in council July 29, Elder J. M. Eagey presiding. Those from the Valley of Virginia were: Brethren S. I. Bowman, J. S. Shorpes, J. M. Kagey and R. S. Showalter, and sisters J. S. Shorpes, R. S. Showatler and Iva Bowman. The purpose of this council was to organize a new congregation. The organization was effected by selecting Eld. S. I. Bowman as our elder; clerk, Bro. S. Clyde Judy; Treasurer, Bro. J. S. Judy; “Messenger” agent, C. Ed. Judy and the writer correspondent. This congregation which will be known as Smith Creek, has heretofore been a part of Cooks Creek and has been work as a mission point by them. It will embrace all that part of Cooks Creek, west of South Fork Mountain, and will contain six preaching places with a membership of about 130 and one parsonage. We have an official body, at present, of one minister and six deacons. – Carrie E. Judy, Zigler, W. Va. Aug. 2. |