Prosperity Church (1872 -?)
Weekly Pilgrim May 7, 1872 page 150 Vo. III No. 19 Rockport, W. Va. April 20, 1872 Bro. Brumbaugh: - I inform you that I have been reading the Pilgrim for one year, I find so much good reading in it that it makes my heart rejoice when it comes. H. D. Powell was the agent last year, I paid him for it, but I have not seen his name in the list. If he has not sent it yet I will. The church here numbers about twenty-two at present. Some left us this spring and last fall. We have built a new meeting house and have it all paid for but forty dollars. We are poor and if some of the wealthier churches would help us a little it would be thankfully received. We have to pay that amount before we can get our deed for the house and lot. We have one speaker but he is backward in his calling. We have no strange speakers. Bro. Christian Showalter was here last fall and had a good meeting. We read in the Pilgrim of so many ministers visiting churches, we would be glad if some would come to West Virginia on the little Kanawha river, in Wiert county, only tem miles from the county seat. The name of the Church is Prosperity. Bro. John Wise organized tic, I feel assured that if some one would come and hold meeting we would have a large church in a short time. We hope some brother will be sent here on a mission of love. I see in the Pilgrim the District Meeting of West Virginia but it do n’t give the place. We would be thankful to you if you could send our request to the meeting. John Gault.