Oakvale Church (1905-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 10, 1900 page 722 Vol. 38 No. 45 First District of Virginia. It was my good pleasure, in company with Eld. George Hutchinson, to attend the love feast with the members at Smiths Chapel, Mercer Co., W. Va., Oct. 20. We had a very nice, quiet meeting, one of the most orderly meetings I ever attended. In the afternoon of the same day we held an election meeting. Bro. Walter Kahle, a young man of twenty years, was called to the ministry and Andrew Reed was chosen as deacon. On Sunday morning the two brethren were installed in the presence of a large congregation, which seemed to be deeply impressed. I believe a brighter day is coming for this little congregation. On Oct. 22 we went to Oakvale, the same county, where twenty members live. Here we organized a church Oct. 25, to be known as the Oakvale congregation. Brethren Walter and General Akers were chosen deacons, and Joseph H. Akers was appointed clerk. Eld. George Hutchinson will be their elder. He will be assisted in the ministry by Andrew Hutchinson, of Bluefield, W. Va. We closed our meetings here on the night of Oct. 25, with one applicant for baptism. Two had previously applied for membership here and they will be baptized in a short time. I arrived home Oct. 26, after an absence of thirty days. During my absence our only son was thrown from a bicycle and almost hurled into eternity, but he is now in school again. The Botetourt Normal College at this place has the largest enrollment since its institution, having patronage from Texas, Tennessee, West Virginia and our own State. C. D. Hylton. Daleville, Va , Oct. 27.