North Fork Church (1921-78)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 30, 1898 page 573 Vol. 36 No. 36 Hopeville. The members of the North Fork part of the church assisted by brethren J. T. Cosner and Dennis Clark, met in council Aug. 27. Preparations were made for the love feast. Delegates were elected to District Meeting. Bro. Israel Weimer was chosen to the ministry. On Sunday, Aug. 28, the Brethren preached for us at the Open Ridge school-house, after which four were received by baptism. Amzi Weimer, Aug., 20
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 19, 1921 page 721 North Fork (W. Va.) a request having come to the Ministerial Board to assist in the election of a minister in this congregation, the writer motored over the Allegheny Mountains Oct. 29, a distance of forty-four miles, and met the members in council. The lot fell on Bro. Edgar Keplinger, who was installed into office. They have no active minister in a congregation of 105 members. Bro. Israel Weimer, under the direction of the District Mission Board, supplies the preaching at present. In the evening we again came together for preaching, gut it so happened that the Untied Brethren also had sent some one to fill the appointment the church being a union house. The United Brethren minister preached first on the subject, The Free Waters of Salvation. Then people desired the writer to follow. Our subject was. How Salvation Can Come by the Cross. The people were very attentive. This congregation is much scattered and among the members are four or five colored people. One was to be baptized Oct. 30, Emra T. Fike, Oakland, Md., Nov. 1. |