Nicklow Church (Moatsville) (1890-?)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 25, 1890 page 734 Vol. 28 No. 46 Notes from the Second District of West Virginia When I last wrote, I was at the home of Bro. Miller, Oct. 23, I forgot to mention, at the time, the feast, held in the Nicklow church, Oct. 21. Bro. D. J. Miller officiated. This is a part of the Shiloh church formed into a new district, and the membership, as yet is but small but they have a commodious house of worship, and we wish then a prosperous journey Zionward. Eld Elias Anvil is their elder, and Wm. R. Murphy their only minister. We feel at home when among those brethren, as here we have relatives and many old acquaintances, this being our early home. We held three meetings at the Brethren’s home, near where Bro. Murphy lives, and would have liked t stay longer. The church here is gaining and we think that a prosperous journey is before them. Z. Annon |