Hevner Church (Branch) (1904-69)
The Gospel Messenger July 30, 1904 page 494 Vol. 43 No. 31 FROM WEST VIRGINIA. About forty years ago the old Brethren of the Valley of Virginia, with the Holy Spirit as their guide, sowed the good seed of the kingdom in what was then known as the rural sections of the Slate of West Virginia. Some of them still survive, whilst others of the number have gone to their reward. These earnest and faithful men of God made and left good and lasting impressions on the minds and hearts of the people. The good seed sown found its way into the hearts of a faithful few at this place, and they have been striving to carry on the good work ever since, their only places of worship being groves, schoolhouses and private dwellings. Yet often these earnest veterans of the cross would visit this little flock and comfort and strengthen them. Time rolled on and brought with it many changes and new possibilities. I call attention to the little group of Brethren—seven in number—at a council meeting at the home of Bro. Samuel Hevner, June 25, 1901. We, being few in number, had at that time a pressing invitation to join in with another denomination in the erection of a union church. This council was called to decide the matter; but the decision did not favor the union house, and the Spirit did not seem to guide us in that direction. Regardless of our small number and our financial standing, it was decided, without a dissenting voice, that we erect a Brethren church. The lovely site was chosen the same day for our new house, the service of a sawmill was secured, and we then repaired to the mountain forest for our material in the way of timber, the Lord having blessed this section of the country with fine timber. We then had our choice of first-class material. The material being in readiness, the carpenter work was begun May 15, 1902, and on June 12, 1904, a nice, neat, convenient and well-arranged house of worship was dedicated to the Lord, which shall hereafter go by the name of Hevner church. This church is situated two miles northwest of Hosterman, W. Va. The dedication sermon was preached by Eld. Hiram Miller, of Bridgewater, Va., assisted by Eld. George W. Wine, of Ottobine, Va., from Psalm 122, " I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord." This sermon was preached to an audience of about four hundred and fifty people. Good order prevailed. Amount of collection, $52.50. Bro. Wine is one among 'the number that sowed at this place the good seed of the kingdom and yet remain on this side of eternity's shore. He stated on that occasion that he had witnessed the baptism of the writer's mother thirty-five years ago, and preached the funeral of the same sainted one on the eve of our dedication. Sunday, June 5, one precious soul arose from the watery grave to walk in newness of life. Rom. 6: 4. Sunday morning, previous to the sermon, two more precious souls put on Christ by holy baptism. Gal. 3: 27. On the following Sunday a Sunday school was organized. Sunday, July 3, at the close of our Sunday school, Bro. C. B. Collins, our home minister, assisted by Bro. John P. Varner, of Top of Alleghany, gave us a good, soul-cheering sermon, and shunned not to point out the path of duty. On the evening of the same day two more precious souls were added to the church by baptism. Others are near the kingdom. We should be very thankful to the Lord for his rich blessings and his tender mercies towards us. May the Lord ever continue to bless the efforts of his people for good, and may they ever continue to be a burning and shining light as they sojourn here as pilgrims in a strange land. John W. Hevner, Hosterman, W. Va., July 17.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 5, 1904 page 717 Vol. 43 No. 45 Hevner church met in annual council Sept. 16, after a short series of meetings held by Eld. Daniel Miller, assisted by Bro. Sam'l L. Miller, from Weyers Cave, Va. Eld. Daniel Miller presided at our council. Sept. 17 we held our love feast. Twenty souls surrounded the Lord's table. Eld. Daniel Miller officiated. This was the first love feast ever held in Hevner church. It was a grand encouragement to the Brethren at this place. Good and lasting impressions were made. These two aged ministers came to hold this meeting with us from a distance of one hundred miles by an overland route, traveling in a buggy.—John W. Hevner, Hosterman, W. Va., Oct. 23.