Glady Church (1936-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 14, 1936 page 31 Vol. 85 No. 46 Cheat River. – Bro. V. L. Bennett held a two weeks’ meeting at Lee Bell in August. The sermons were good and inspiring. One was baptized. One was baptized at Elkins mission on Sept. 18 and one at Glady on Sept. 22. Eld. J. J. Scrogum, Edith M. Scrogum, Eld. Boyd Phares and wife were delegates to the district meeting. at this meeting the Cheat River church was divided into two separate organizations to be known as Glady and Bowden churches. J. J. Scrogum remains as elder and pastor at both places. The name Cheat River has been discontinued; hereafter church news will appear under the names of Glady or Bowden. – Edith M. Scrogum, Elkins, W. Va., Oct. 17
Gospel Messenger Nov. 28, 1936 page 30 Vol. 85 No. 48 Glady.—Since our last report the Cheat River congregation ceases to exist, by reason of division. This congregation was divided into two separate organizations to be known as the Bowden congregation and the Glady congregation. These new congregations were accepted by the conference of Second District of West Virginia at Beans Chapel on Sept. 11, 1936. We have a good Sunday school with Boyd H. Phares as superintendent. The preaching services are cared for by Eld. B. H. Phares, Bro. V. L. Bennett, and Pastor J. J. Scrogum. Our representatives to district conference were Sula Phares and Boyd Phares. We had a love feast on Oct. 10, with Eld. J. J. Scrogum officiating. Bro. Scrogum is retained as pastor and elder of the Glady congregation. Let us hope and trust and pray for a continued growth in this congregation since we are now thrown on our own responsibility.—Edith M. Scrogum, Elkins, W. Va., Nov. 1.