Whitestone Church (1920-)
The Gospel Messenger April 17, 1920 page 251 Vol. 69 No. 16 THE OKANOGAN VALLEY CHURCH, WASHINGTON The Okanogan Valley church met in regular council on Saturday, March 20, with Eld. G. A. Shamberger presiding. Five letters of membership were received. All of the ordinary business was promptly transacted. At this meeting there came up again the question of dividing the congregation. Several members reside in the Whitestone Irrigation District, and arc holding Sunday-school and preaching services in the schoolhouse. This settlement is about ten miles from the church, and they have hopes of building a house of their own before long. Feeling able to carry on the work independently, they asked to be given liberty to organize as a separate congregation. This permission was granted. It is our hope that they will soon be able to build 'up a large congregation by immigration and baptism. The question of opening up work in the town of Tonasket was also considered, but the church does not consider itself ready, at present, to undertake work there. It is our hope that the Brethren residing near that town will soon be joined by enough helpers to enable them to establish a new work there. Several families, including two deacons, are building or preparing to build within easy distance of the church, and we are much encouraged by the prospect of being able to hold this section for the Brethren. The church decided to be represented at Annual Conference, and chose the writer delegate. Bro. V. C. Finnell has been with us two days, giving us his Sunday-school lectures. We are very much pleased and inspired by his work. Paul Mohler. Oroville, Wash. |