Tekoa Church (1909-19?)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 13, 1909 page 653 Vol. 48 No. 17 Tekoa. – Sept. 27 we met in council, Eld. D. M. Click presiding. As Bro. Click expects soon to start on this trip around the world, he appointed Bro. J.H. Stover to act as housekeeper in his absence. He expects to be gone about a year. The Spokane congregation being so large and so scattered, it was thought best to divide, so the part at Chewelah was cut off and in is now called Mount Hope. Even certificate of membership were given at this council to members living in the new congregation and five given to members moving to other parts of the country. Bro. R. F. Hinder was elected to the ministry and Bro. G. S. Gale to the deacon’s office. There seems to be growing interest manifested in all our services. Our elder preached a very interesting sermon to the children Sunday night. Sept. 30. We are expecting to have a series of meetings in the near future, conducted by Bro. Graybill, of Nampa, Idaho. – Jennie K. Hale, Tekoa, Wash., Oct. 3. |