Omak Church (1913-61?)
The Gospel Messenger June 21, 1913 page 389 Vol. 62 No. 25 OMAK. WASHINGTON. May 21 Bro. J. U. G. Stiverson, of Tacoma, Wash., came to us for the purpose of conducting a series of meeting. He remained until June 2 and preached for us thirteen most interesting sermons. Some of these were along doctrinal lines, and were delivered with much force and clearness. By special request he preached one sermon in the Presbyterian church at Omak on the subject of "The Divinity of the Word of God, or the Argument of the Infidel Met." The meetings were held in one of the four school houses of our District. The attendance was fair and interest the very best. While we can report no accessions, yet we believe there arc those who arc near the kingdom, and we hope and pray that the seed sown may bring a harvest of souls for the Lord in the near future. At this place we have a union Sunday-school, with a regular attendance of about eighty. We have two preaching services each month, the remaining Sundays being occupied by a Baptist minister. We have sonic twelve or thirteen members in our territory, but some are widely scattered. Some of us arc charter members of the Meyers Creek church, which was organized in the northern part of Okanogan County in 1903. While Bro. Stiverson was with us we had a little council meeting, and decided to change the name to the Omak church. Bro. C. E. Holmes, of Wenatchee, Wash., was chosen to take the oversight as elder for the ensuing year. We greatly desire to sec the church build up a strong congregation here, and there is need of more workers. Brethren, why do not some of you come to this needy field? It may be that some of you arc thinking of changing locations; if so, investigate the Okanogan Valley. Write us or come and see the country. Heretofore we have been at a great disadvantage, by the lack of traveling and transportation facilities, but this is being removed, as we, now have a passenger train three times a week this far, and will soon have regular train service. B- E- Breshears. Omak, Wash., June 4. |