Olympic View Community (Seattle) (1907-)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 19, 1907 page 672, Vol. 46 No. 48 From Seattle, Wash. The members living in Seattle and Tacoma, Wash, met at the home of Bro. C. H. Maust, in Seattle, September 19, to organize the church at this place. Bro. D. B. Eby, from Sunnyside, and Bro. G. C. Carl, form Portland, Ore., were with us. In the evening, Bro. Carl preached to us. At the organization, Bro. A. M. Dickey was chosen as our presiding elder and the church at this place is to be known as “Seattle Church.” There are seventeen members residing in Tacoma. The exact number in Seattle and surrounding territory has not yet been definitely ascertained, but the membership will aggregate about fifty. Both Seattle and Tacoma have grown to be large cities, and we know of no better field for the Brethren. We should have a mission at each place. With Alaska and all intervening territory north of us, and west of the Cascade Mountains, as allotted us by the district, we feel there are unlimited possibilities for a great many, to develop and multiply the talents which God has given us. The members at this pace, though seldom heard from, have been earnestly working, and shortly after the beginning of a new year we hope to have the lots for our church fully paid for. Sunday school and preaching services are at present conducted at the home of Bro. Maust, Corner Murphy Place and 7th St., N. W., but we trust that, by the Lord’s help, we may see a house of worship erected and dedicated within the coming year. May members passing his way should not fail to stop to visit us. We continue to fine new members here, and should appreciate any assistance in getting in touch with any members living in our territory, who may not know of the church. F. F. Dull 910 Seventy-third St., Seattle, Wash., September 24. |