North Yakima Church (1902-66)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 18, 1902 page 45 Vol. 40 No. 3 North Yakima. – The members at this place met Jan. 1 at the home of Brother and Sister Stiverson for the purpose of organizing a church. Elders S. H. Miller and D. B. Eby, of Sunnyside, were with us. We organized with seventeen members. The following officers were elected: Bro. George Wise, presiding elder; Bro. Robert Wise, clerk; Bro. Harter, treasurer; Sister Harter, solicitor; Leonora Yates, correspondent. Brethren Stiverson, Wise and Harter were appointed on building committee to repair and fix up the old Congregation church, which we have bargained for. We expect to hold a love feast when it is ready to dedicate. We decided to name this the North Yakima church. Any brethren wanting to change locations would do well to visit this beautiful valley. – Leonora Yates, Jan. 3. |