Greenwood Church (Plain, Wenatchee Park) (1915-38)
The Gospel Messenger March 27, 1915 page 203 Vol. 64 No. 13 Wenatchee. – Our congregation met in regular council March 6, with Eld. L. E. Ulrich presiding. Ten letters were received and six granted. Since our last report, four have been received by baptism. The members of Wenatchee Park presented a request for a separate organization, which was granted. – A. D. Bowman, Wenatchee, Wash., March 8.
The Gospel Messenger July 10, 1915page 448 Vol. 64 No. 28 Wenatchee Park. –We met in quarterly council June 19, our elder, Bro. A. B. Peters, presiding. This being our first council since our organization, considerable business came before the meeting. Sunday-school officers were elected as follows: Superintendent, Bro. O. M. Pobst; secretary-treasurer, Bro. Wm. Burgess; Christian Workers’ president, Bro. Benj. Nickles. On Sunday morning, following the council, Eld. A. B. Peters gave us an excellent sermon. – Harry A. Beckwith, Plain, Wash., June 27. |