Centralia Church (1897-1926)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 30, 1897 page 77 Vol. 35 No. 5Centralia, Wash.—The Brethren here assembled Jan. 2, to organize a church, which work was properly attended to by all present. There are twelve members located here, four of whom united with us by letter. Five were received by Christian baptism in 1896. Bro. Allen Ives was chosen elder of this organization. We have no deacon at present. It was agreed by all present that this church be known as the " Centralia church." May this little band of workers be faithful in Christ Jesus! This church desires to have a minister locate here and remain with the work. — Alice S. Christlieb, Jan. 15.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 24, 1925 page 588 Vol. 74 No. 43 Olympia church met in council Oct. 6. Nine letters were received, including those of members of the Centralia church which has been disorganized because of the lack of workers. Sister Rachel Michael and Bro. Orvie Rench were elected delegates to the joint Sunday-school Convention at Richland Valley. Bro. Vern Spillman is on the program committee. We decided to have our love feast Oct. 24. We will have a series of meetings this fall. Bro. E. S. Gregory was reelected elder and Bro. Eby, assistant. The work is being kept up faithfully at our four regular preaching points—Olympia, Vesta, Chambers Prairie and Collins.—Helen Kummers, Olympia, Wash., Oct. 9.