White Thorn Church (1910- ?)
The Gospel Messenger April 16, 1910 page 256 Vol. 49 No. 16 White Thorn. - Oct 30, 1909, a little band of Brethren, nine in number, landed at Chatham, Va; then proceeded to our farms that we had purchased, eight to ten miles northeast of Chatham, Pittsylvania County, Va. After getting settled, we opened correspondence with the Mission Board of the First District of Virginia, regarding an organization. March 9 Elders Riley Peters and Henry Ikenberry, of Wirtz, Va., came to us and next day organized us into a working body, with Bro. A. S. Cool as minister, and Bro. R. L. Cherry, as deacon. Brethren Peters and Ikenberry are elders of the little body. Our church will be known as the White Thorn church. Sister Laura Sharah is secretary and correspondent.—A. S. Cool, Elba, Va, March 28.