White Hill Church (1918-)
The Gospel Messenger March 2, 1918 page 144 Vol. 67 No. 9 Mount Vernon church met in council Feb. 18, with Eld. J. It. Kindig presiding. Visiting elders present were Bro. Q. A. Phillips, of Waynesboro, and Brethren H. O. Miller and A. S. Thomas, of Bridgewater. Three letters were received. Bro. Kindig was elected elder for one year; Sister Nora Kindig, "Messenger" agent; Sister Fay Cline, correspondent; Brethren Robert Kindig and Chas. Cline. Sunday-school superintendents. Brethren D. F. Peters and Chas. Cline were elected to the deacon’s office and were installed by Bro. H. G. Miller. Our series of meetings is to commence July 15, conducted by Bro. A. B. Miller and wife, of Hagerstown, Md. White Hill, a mission point In the Mt. Vernon congregation, asked for a division of the Mt. Vernon territory. As White Hill Is to become an organized church, a committee was appointed to establish the line. Brethren J. R. Kindig, John Ferrer and William Pannell were appointed to work with a similar committee from White Hill. Our visiting elders gave us some good Instruction. Bro. Phillips remained with us until Monday, preaching Sunday morning and evening. He is not strong physically but is vigorous spiritually, and a willing work for Christ and the church. Since out last report a collection of $11 was taken to help defray the expenses of Bro. B. B. Garber is visiting Camp Lee. – L. J. Loving, Fishersville, Va., Feb. 19. |