Waynesboro Church (1925-)
The Gospel Messenger May 23, 1925 page 336 Vol. 74 No. 21 Barren Ridge church met in May council, with Eld. N. W. Coffman as moderator. Bro. D. B. Garber also was present. One letter was granted and one received. It was decided that the Basic church should be set apart as a separate congregation named the First Church of the Brethren of Waynesboro. It was decided to continue the support of our missionary on the foreign field. We plan to have a Harvest Meeting this year. April 19 Bro. B. M. Flory gave a very interesting talk. The mission band from Bridgewater gave us an interesting program on May 3. We expect Bro. Howard Alley and family from India, to be with us soon. – Ruth Drive, Staunton, Va. May 13