Valley Church (1917-59)
The Gospel Messenger March 24, 1917 page 184 Vol. 66 No.12 The District of Eastern Virginia has added a new congregation to the list of organized churches within her territory,- this latest accession being known as Valley congregation.
The Gospel Messenger March 24, 1917 page 192 Vol.66 No. 12 Valley congregation met in called council March 6, 2ith Eld. I. A. Miller presiding. We met for the purpose of effecting an organization of the Valley end of Nokesville congregator which, as already stated in these columns, was divided at the regular council of Feb. 3l. an organization was effected, adopting Valley congregation as her name. Eld. S. H. Flory was elected presiding eleder. All officers were elected for one year. We decided to have our council meeting on Saturday before the second Sunday of February, May, August and November, at 1 o’clock. – Pearl B. Miller Nokesville, Va. March o. |