Troutville Church (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger April 30, 1912 page 251 Vol. 61 No. 16 Botetourt.—The members of this congregation met in special council at Troutville March 36. with Eld. D. N. Eller as moderator. The special feature of the meeting was the division of our congregation, having a membership of over 700. On account of our large territory and membership, it was thought, by a large majority, that more thorough and effectual work could he accomplished by dividing into small territories. As a result, we now have three bodies instead of but one,—all with one great aim in view. Because of the perfect brotherly love and sweet fellowship that have prevailed during the past years. It was a little hard for .some to become reconciled to the change, but they were willing to sacrifice self for the good of the cause. Our love feast will be hold May 28, instead of May 4, as was mentioned in a previous Messenger; services to begin at 4 P. M. We hope to have Eld. J. O, Royer, of Illinois, with us on that occasion.— (Mrs.) W. K. Murray, Roanoke-, Va., April |