Trevilian Church (1910-)
The Gospel Messenger June 4, 1910 page 366 Vol. 49 No. 23 FROM TREVILIANS, VA. Brethren M. G. Early and Isaac Miller, of the Nokesville congregation, came to Trevilians May 13, 1910, and organized the little band of members in Louisa County into a separate congregation. This was formerly a part of the Mine Run congregation, of Orange County. The following officers were elected: Bro. Isaac Miller was chosen elder for one year; Bro. W. A. Myers, minister in the second degree. Bro. Myers located here two years ago, and has had charge of this work, and the work in adjoining counties, all under direction of the District Mission Board. Bro. Laurence Shumaker was elected clerk; Sister Mollie Myers, treasurer; the writer, correspondent. It is the hope of this little congregation to build a churchhouse near the village of Trevilians during the summer. The locating and building committees have organized and are busily engaged at their work. Eight years ago a sister, whose husband was not a member, moved from the Shenandoah Valley to this county. She was, for several years, the only member in the county. Since the coming of Bro. Myers and wife, six members have been received by baptism, and recently two other families moved into the community. Now there are about twenty members, most of whom are in this immediate vicinity. The sister who lived so isolated now sees her husband and all her children members of the church, and the prospect of a churchhouse near her own home. Let all take courage and be faithful, even if our lot be cast far away from those of our own persuasion. As this is a new point in the work of the church, it might be interesting to some to know just where we are located. We are on the main line of the C. & O. R. R., seventy miles from Staunton, and sixty miles from Richmond, Va. The field is large and workers are needed. Trevilians, Va., May 21. Emma Whisler Glick |