Summit Church (Glade) (1914-)
The Gospel Messenger March 14, 1914 page 176 Vol. 63 No. 12 Summit. – Our regular spring council was held Feb. 28, with Eld. Peter Garber presiding. Elders Hiram Mill, Abram Thomas and Perry Wenger, from the adjoining congregations, were with us. It was decided to divide the Valley congregation and make Summit a separate congregation, apart from the Valley church. Bro. Peter Garber was elected as our elder for one year, with Bro. B. H. Crann was elected and with this wife, duly installed into the ministry. Bro. Wm. A. Crann was elected superintendent for the Glade Sunday-school, with Bro. Guy Brown as assistant. Bro. John T. Glick was elected delegate to the Annual Meeting, with Bro. Wm. J. Glick as alternate. Brethren Wm. H. Glick and Wm. A. Crann were chosen delegate to District Meeting with Brethren B. H. Crann, Marion Crann and D. L. Evers as alternates. Bro. B. H. Crann was chosen church treasurer; Bro. D. L. Evers, Clerk; the writer, Messenger correspondent. Several letters of membership were given. –Christina E. Sheets, R. D. 2, Box 54, Floyd, Va., March 2.