Stone Church (1908-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 12, 1908 page 589 Vol. 47 No. 37 From, Buena Vista, Va. We began a series of meetings at this place on Sunday, Aug. 2, and continued until Aug. 19. Our pastor, Saylor G. Greyer, did the preaching. Twenty-on earnest sermons were delivered. As a result of the efforts put forth, fifty-two additions were made to the church. Thirty-twelve were reclaimed. Others we believe are near the kingdom. We are greatly encouraged by the work accomplished. We ask an interest in the prayers of all the Messenger readers, , that the Lord may prosper the work at this place, and make it a fruitful field in which to labor. May God bless the workers everywhere, and give them souls for their hire, is our prayer. On the evening of Aug. 29 we met in council, to be organized into a congregation. We had a very pleasant meeting. The best of harmony prevailed throughout the meeting. Eld J. M. Kagey, of Dayton, Va., and Eld. D. H. Zigler, of Broadway, Va., were with us. The later was chosen as our elder, to care for our little flock. Sunday morning, Aug. 30, Bro. Kagey gave us a soul-inspiring sermon. The same evening we held our love feast, at which Bro. Kagey officiates. We had an enjoyable feast. About eighty surrounded the Lord’s table. Most of those seated at the tables partook of this sacred meal for the first time. All were strengthened and built up. The house was crowded to overflowing with eager spectators. We need a larger church to accommodate the people who come to our services. Susie Greyer. Sept. 2.