Staunton Church (1898-)
The Gospel Messenger June 11, 1893 page 366 Vol. 36 No. 23 From Staunton, Va. May 20 the first Brethren church was organized in Staunton, Va. Four elders and quite a number of ministers, including other members from the country, were present. We now have an organized church, with a membership of about thirty-five. Bro. L. A. Wenger was chosen as our elder. Bro. John Kennedy was elected secretary, and Bro. Steffe, treasurer, Bro. Flory will continue with us, as heretofore. As we are now in working order, let us have churchhouse soon. Oh, brethren and sisters, give us of your abundance to help the Lord’s work along! It was our pleasure to attend a council at the Middle River church May 21; also a love feast at Pleasant Hill same day. The feast was very pleasant one. The house was crowded. C. Temple Sauble, May 22