Smith River Church (1890 -)
The Gospel Messenger May 21, 1889 page 332 A New Congregation April 28 elders Wm. Roberson, of Franklin County, H. P. Hylton, of Floyd County, and the writer met with the little body of members in Patrick County, Va. Bro. Roberson delivered a short but logical discourse on the power of the gospel, followed by Bro. Hylton with some very appropriate remarks. The members had been consulted in reference to organizing into a congregation. Circumstances were such that the elders thought best, before dismissing the members, to spend a season in secret prayer and enter into the work of organizing. After all necessary instructions were given we proceeded to take the voice for a minister and a deacon. The lot fell on Bro. Wm. Elgin for minister and Bro. John A. Hooker for deacon. They were at once installed into their respective offices. The installation services, as usual, were very solemn and affecting to both members and outsiders, as was evidenced by the flowing tears. Grave responsible are resting upon our young brethren and their wives, as the destiny of the Smyth’s River congregation depends largely on their lives and characters. May God give them grace and wisdom! They unanimously adopted the above name for their congregation and selected H. P. Hylton for their pastor. Fifty years ago my grandfather, Eld. Austin Hylton, late of Tennessee, visited this twice a year, preaching one sermon each trip. He made twenty miles a day by steady riding. prior to this time, an old Bro. Elgin and wife moved here from Bedford County. Eld. John Bowman, of Franklin County, passed through and preached for them a few times. When Bro. Elgin and wife died, the Brethren were without a witness here for many years. Bro. Hooker attended the mountain Normal School at this place, and, while Bro. Dove, of Tennessee, was conducting a series of meeting here, he made a profession of religion. He returned home an shortly afterwards the brethren baptized several in his neighborhood. D. C. Hylton.