Selma Church (1914-)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 24, 1914 page 685 Vol. 63 No. 43 Selma Mission.—Aug. 16 twenty-eight of our number met and organized a Sunday-school with Bro. D L. Carter as superintendent, and Mr. M. T. Sampson as secretary. At this writing fifty-one are enrolled. All of our twenty-two members of the church are also members of the Sunday-school. We have regular weekly prayer meetings on Wednesday evenings. We have secured books to start a teacher-training class. The teachers and officers recently arranged an outing for the children in the woods, which was much enjoyed. Bro. J. M. Henry was with us. He came the night previous, to preach for us on Saturday and Sunday. He delivered three Inspiring sermons, which commanded the attention of a full house. Three applied for baptism, which will be administered on the return of some of our ministers, next month. Several others are weighing the matter thoughtfully. Realizing that Bro. Henry is very busy, being a teacher in Daleville College, we can not find words to express our appreciation for the interest he has manifested in us, in making the sacrifice to come here. We are hoping to have Bro. C. S. Ikenberry with us next month, to give us some good Bible talks. We also expect to have some good singing with him as leader.— Ada K. Carter, Selma, Va., Oct. 14.