Pleasant View Church (1910/11-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 26. 1910 page 784 Vol. 49 No. 48 THE TRIPLE DIVISION IN VIRGINIA. Flat Rock church convened in regular quarterly council at Flat Rock Nov. 12, at 10 A. M. The triple division of the congregation was unanimously ratified. The new congregations will be known as Timberville, Flat Rock and Pleasant View. Timberville congregation, which will be organized Dec. 3, at 1 P. M, has two churchhouses, with a half interest in the third, two deacons, one brother elected to the ministry (but not yet installed) and seventy-four members. The Pleasant View congregation, which will be organized Dec. 10, at 10 A. M, has a membership of 125, two ministers in the first degree, four deacons, three churchhouses and five preaching places. It was decided that the ministers of the Flat Rock congregation assist the above-named congregations for at least two years. All money left over in the treasury of both the local Mission Board and the church treasury, will be equally divided among the three. At the conclusion of unfinished business the Flat Rock congregation was reorganized. This church has a membership of 206, three elders, two ministers in the second degree,, six deacons, three churchhouses, and five preaching places. Bro. John H. Garber is continued as secretary and treasurer. The local Mission Board is composed of Brethren J. Carson Miller, J. Frank Good and J. W. Myers. Brethren J. D. Shaver, J. D. Wine and Noah E. Wampler were elected as the local Sunday-school Advisory Committee. Bro. J. W. Myers was chosen church correspondent. The penny solicitors for the ensuing year are Sisters Bertie Fleming, Mattie Good and Mary Nesselrodt. Bro. J. W. Myers was appointed to collect the money due the Orphans' Home. As the mission territory (Trout Run Valley, W. Va.) will be worked jointly by the three congregations, it was decided that the chairman of our local Mission Board is to serve as a member of the joint committee, to be appointed for the above-named mission territory, if the other two congregations see fit to appoint a like committeeman. The assessment remains the same. Our quarterly councils still will be held on Saturday before the second Sunday of each of the following months: February at Cedar Grove; May at Flat Rock; August at Stony Creek; November at Flat Rock. J. D. Shaver. Moore's Store, Va, Nov. 14.