Oronoco Church (1919-)
The Gospel Messenger September 6, 1919 page 573 Vol. 68 No. 36 Oronoco. – Our week’s series of meetings began August 30, with our pastor, Bro. R. M. Figgers in charge. We had large crowds and the interest was good throughout. One was added to the church by baptism. We met in council August 24. Brethren D. M. and B. F. Glick, of Trevilian, Va., were with us – the former presiding. The church was organized into a separate congregation. Bro. Robert Figgers, Jr., was chosen secretary and clerk; Lucy Figgers “Messenger” agent; the writer correspondent, Bro. Robert Figgers, Jr., was elected to the ministry and duly installed. Bro. Everett Davis was elected deacon and installed, Bro. R. M. Figgers was ordained to the eldership and chosen elder for three years. He will also represent us at District meeting. – Clementine Figgers, Oronoco, Va., August 26. |