Oakton Church (Fairfax) (1903-)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 21, 1903 page 125 Fairfax. – Pursuant to the decision of the Manassas congregation at their last council to divide their territory by organizing a new congregation in Fairfax County, Virginia. The members of the Fairfax County met at Oakton, Va., Feb. 7 and elected as elder, S. A. Sanger; correspondent, Lizzie A. Flohr. A board of three trustees was elected and a local mission board of five members was appointed. Our official force consists of two elders. S. A. Sanger and A. Hollnger; two ministers. I. M. Neff and J. M. Kline, and two deacons. Elders J. C. Murray and A. Conner were present to assist in the work of organization. The preparations for our new churchhouse are progressing favorably. A site has already been secured. – Lizzie A. Flohr, Vienna, Va. Feb. 12
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 15, 1921page 640 Aug. 6, P. H. Riley & Frank Stone elected to deacons office