Oak Grove Church (1923-)
The Gospel Messenger March 10, 1923 page 160 Vol. 72 No. 10 Peters Creek church met in council Feb. 17, with Bro. C. F. Webster as moderator. Bro. D. C. Naff gave an interesting talk on the proper use of the church directory. Other talks were given to the effect of formulating a plan of systematic giving. Convincing facts were brought out, showing that giving and religion should and do go hand in hand. March 17 is announced for a called council at Oak Grove, for the purpose of considering a division in the Peters Creek congregation. On Sunday following the church council, Bro. J. S. Showalter preached to an attentive congregation from the text, " Lo, I am with you alway."—Ida Showalter, Roanoke, Va., Feb. 24.
The Gospel Messenger April 7, 1923 page 221 Vol. 72 No. 14 Peter. Creek church met in special council at Oak Grove, to consider the advisability of dividing Peters Creek congregation The meeting resulted in a division- the new one being called Oak Grove.- Ida Showalter. Roanoke. Va., March 22.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 15, 1923 page 800 Vol. 72 No. 50 Oak Grove church met in council Nov. 24. with J. S. Showalter, of Peters Creek, presiding. This was our first council since having been organized as a separate congregation. The officers chosen for the year are as follows: Mrs. Gladys Eller, clerk; the writer, "Messenger" correspondent. Four deacons were chosen: W. C Stevens, W. E. Dass, N. H. Wertz and O. D. Eller. These, with their wives, were duly installed. Three letters were accepted. Bro. Virgil Finnell will be with us Dec. 23, to give an illustrated lecture. —Alice Nienke, Salem, Va., Nov. 30. |