Mountain View Church (1905-40?)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 16, 1905 page797 Vol. 44 No. 50
From North Carolina. Our district meeting appointed Eld. Henry Sheets and the writer to do some church work at White Rock, Ashe Co., N. C. and Bare Branch, Grayson Co., Va. As the elder of the White Rock (W. H. Handy) had asked district meeting to help him set his church in order, also Bare Branch, Va., asked for an organization, so Nov. 10 we left home to meet Bro. Sheets at White Rock, Nov. 11, at 11 o’clock, but he being sick sent a letter to me telling Bro. Handy and me to go on with the work. And so beginning meeting Nov. 11 we continued till Nov. 19, preaching twice a day and visiting brethren and sisters between services. By the close of the meeting we had reorganized the church fully in the order and received two into the church by confession and baptism. Sunday evening we went to Bare Branch, Grayson Co., Va., and began meeting on the night. Nov. 21 we organized a church for them, and as they have no residing minister, they elected the writer as elder for one year, though we live so far from them that we entrusted the work to Brethren Jeter, Blevins, and R. H. Childers, so far as their official power extends, and they are ministers. In the second degree, who had built up this work. The name of the new church is Mountain View. Then after we organized we continued meeting till Nov. 23, when we had to leave in order to get to Pleasant Valley on Saturday and Sunday, as they previously elected us to take charge of their church. H. J. Woodie, Blodon, N.C. Nov. 29 |