Laurel Branch Church (1917-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 15, 1917 page 592 Vol. 66 No. 37 Topeco. – We met in council Sept. 1. Eld. A. Harmon presided. Bro. C. D. Hylton was with us, read the Scripture lesson and gave a good talk. Two letters were received. The Laurel Branch church asked to be an organized body and the request was granted. The annul visit was reported, and the church was found to be in pence and union. Our love feast will be held Oct. 6, began a series of meeting at the Fairview house, Aug. 21, and preached fifteen soul-cheering sermons. Twelve came out on the Lord’s side. Four have been baptized, seven await the rite and one is to be restored. Other are counting the cost. The members feel much encouraged. – Lizzie Spangler, R. D. 2, Box 64, Floyd, Va., Sept. 3. |