Hylton Church (1898-?)
The Gospel Messenger March 5, 1898 page 157 Vol. 36 No. 10 Hylton.—Feb. 12 the members met at Mountain Normal Hall, to organize a church, to be known as the Hylton congregation, it being a part of the Topeco congregation, It was decided to build a church 32x50 feet, one mile west of this place. There are about eighty members in the new congregation. Bro. H. P. Hylton is our elder. He is now past seventy-five years of age, We only have one other minister and one deacon.— S. P. Hylton, Willis, Va., Feb. 21.
The Gospel Messenger March 26, 1898 page 205 Vol. 36 No. 13 Hylton.—This church met in council. Bro. A. N. Hylton was advanced to the second degree in the ministry. Eld. H. P. Hylton was anointed. His wife crossed over the river only about four weeks ago.— S. P. Hylton, Willis, Va. March 7.
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 20, 1898 page 525 Vol. 36 No. 33 Hylton.-Elders W. H. Naff, Daniel Naff and Jerry Barnhart came as a committee from District Meeting to this congregation. Bro. O. Barnhart was ordained elder, brethren M. F. Woods and S. E. Hylton were chosen to the ministry. Brethren Daniel Barnhart and S. P. Hylton were chosen as deacons. These brethren gave us two good sermons. — S, P. Hylton, Willis, Va., Aug., 4.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 23, 1899 page 797 Vol. 37 No. 50 Hylton.—We met in our hail for regular council. All passed off pleasantly. Bro. S. E. Hylton was advanced to the second degree of the ministry. Installation services by Eld, Harvey Weddle. We have all the outside work done to our new church, and hope to be able to complete the entire house in the near future.— S. P. Hylton, Willis, Va.. Dec 9.