Hollywood Church (1919-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 6, 1919 page 574 Vol. 68 No. 36 HOLLYWOOD MISSION, VIRGINIA May 11 marked a great day in the history of the Hollywood Mission. The workers were much encouraged and made to rejoice greatly in the completion and dedication of their new church. The dedicatory sermon was delivered in a most impressive way by Bro. E. E. Blough, of Manassas, Va. Brethren D. M. Glick, I. M. Neff and our elder, Bro. 1. A. Miller, were also present. The attendance was very good, but because of the rain the day before, many "were kept away. A collection of $10.13 was taken. The C. O. boys from Camp Lee presented the church with a beautiful pulpit Bible and a donation of $17.15. May 10 the members enjoyed a delightful love feast, with Bro. D. M. Glick officiating. Twenty members participated in the service, which was the* first held in Stafford County. Sunday evening the members met in council, with Bro. I. A. Miller in charge. Bro. George Weimer was appointed church clerk and treasurer; the writer, correspondent. The matter of organization was discussed and a committee appointed to consider the matter. The Ministerial Board being with us, Bro. Frank Weimer was called to the ministry. June 28 we organized a Christian Workers' Meeting, with Bro. Geo. Weimer, president. August 3 we held our Children's Day services. The program was of good length and very well rendered before a large audience. In the afternoon Bro. I. A. Miller preached for us, after which one applicant was baptized. August 30 we expect Bro. D. M. Glick to be with us in a series of meetings. We are located in and around Fredericksburg, Va. Some of our members live in Spotsylvania County and some in Stafford County. The church is about four and one-half miles from Fredericksburg. The work was started by D. P. Quann five years ago - the first Sunday-school being organized May 10, 1914, in a small schoolhouse. July 19. 1914, Bro. C. H. Steerman, of Greencastle, Pa., preached the first sermon at the Hollywood Mission. In September, 1914, the first series of meetings was held by Bro. L. B, Flohr, with the result that two were baptized. The work has been kept up since that time by Brother and Sister Quann, who have had the Sunday-school and preaching in their own house for several years. The brethren from Nokesville help out, many times coming twice a month to preach for us. Bro. Harrison Sullivan, with his helpers, has worked hard and long on the church, and all are happy to see their labors crowned by the completion of the new church. We now have a membership of twenty. Any brethren or sisters coming to or passing through Fredericksburg will find the writer the only member living in the town. Anna R. Bowman. Princess Anne Street, Fredericksburg, Va.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 1, 1919 page 704 Vol. 68 No. 44 Hollywood.—The members of the Hollywood Mission met in council August 30, with the committee on organization from the Nokesville church. After considering the matter, the organization was perfected and Bro. I. A. Miller was chosen as elder. Sister D. P. Mann was appointed " Messenger " agent and membership secretary. Bro. F. J. Byer preached for us on Saturday night and twice on Sunday, beginning our series of meetings in the absence of Bro. D. M. Glick, who took up the meeting on Monday night. Bro. Glick remained with us till Sept. 18, preaching twenty inspiring, sermons. Eleven were baptized and the members in general much built up.—Anna Bowman, Fredericksburg, Va.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 1, 1919 page 704 Vol. 68 No. 44 Hollywood.—The members of the Hollywood Mission met in council August 30, with the committee on organization from the Nokesville church. After considering the matter, the organization was perfected and Bro. I. A. Miller was chosen as elder. Sister D. P. Mann was appointed " Messenger " agent and membership secretary. Bro. F. J. Byer preached for us on Saturday night and twice on Sunday, beginning our series of meetings in the absence of Bro. D. M. Glick, who took up the meeting on Monday night. Bro. Glick remained with us till Sept. 18, preaching twenty inspiring, sermons. Eleven were baptized and the members in general much built up.—Anna Bowman, Fredericksburg, Va.