Green Hill Church (Bend Chapel) (1917-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 24, 1917 page 760 Vol. 66 No. 48 Green Hill—The -members at Green Hill, a mission point of the Peters Creek congregation, met in council Oct. 27, to consider the advisability of organizing themselves Into a separate congregation. The liberty to organize was granted by the elders present, and a committee on boundary lines, name of congregation, and membership, was appointed. An appointment for another council was made for Nov. 10, at which time the committees reported and the name of Green Hill was adopted for our congregation. The number of members was found to be 118. Brethren S. B. Peters, T. J. Wimmer and Bernice Poff were named as trustees of our churchhouse. Sister Chas. Ferguson was chosen clerk, Bro. J. L. Kinzie, "Gospel Messenger" agent, and the writer. "Messenger” correspondent. – L. N. Kinzle, R. D. 1, Salem, Va., Nov. 16. |