Forest Chapel Church (1938-)
The Gospel Messenger March 18, 1939 p 30 Vol. 88 No. 11 Barren Ridge. – Our council convened Feb. 18. We decided to give $350 for the endowment of John Kline Clair of Bible and Religion at Bridgewater College. One letter of membership was granted. A new congregation has been organized at Forest Chapel from territory that was formerly a part of Middle River and Barren Ridge congregations. As a result of this division about forty-five membership to the new congregation. Bro. S. D. Lindsay of Timberville, Va., has been engaged to conduct our revival in August. Our delegates to district conference are Brethren V. A. Phillips, F. M. Garber and S. H. Driver. The church decided to send a delegate to Annual Conference. Dr. J. S. De Jarnette, Superintendent of the Western State hospital at Strunton, Va., gave a temperance address at our church recently. We are expecting Bro. L. S. Miller of Harrisonburg to give his illustrated lecture sometime this summer. The women will observe World Day of Prayer with the women of the Presbyterian church. Our achievement offering amounted to $220.50. – Helen E. Coffman, Staunton, Va., Feb. 23, |