Chimney Run Church (1914 -
The Gospel Messenger March 28, 1914 page 208 Vol. 63 No. 14 Chimney Run (Second District). – we met in council March this part of the Valley Bethel congregation, composed of one minister in the second degree, and five deacons, with forty or more members. The appointments are to be filled by the brethren of both churches, as in the past. This decision is subject to the approval of District Meeting. – Lillian Rodgers, Warm Springs, Va., March 12.
The Gospel Messenger May 3, 1914 page 272 Vol. 63 No.18
Valley Bethel and Chimney Run Churches, Second District of Virginia. The above names are quite familiar to many, and I think it will be appropriate, at this time, to write something concerning their history. The Valley Bethel part of the congregations was, for many years, a mission point of the Beaver Creek and Sangerville congregations. It represents the result of many years of labor. It was started and carried on by many of our older brethren of sacred memory. – Jacob Thomas, Martin Miller, George Wine, Daniel Miller, Samuel Driver and Solomon Garber. – all familiar to the writer. Eld. John Cline, in company with Bro. Daniel Thomas, labored there in 1850. In his book, page 425, he speaks of preaching in the home of Bro. Hinegardner, as he was returning from a preaching tour through West Virginia. During later years the work has been place in the hands of younger brethren, and in 1900 the little flock was organized into a congregation, with Eld. J. M Kagey, of Dayton, Va., as her first elder. Two years later Bro. A. A. Miller was ordained, and chosen as elder in charge. The Chimney Run congregation is the result of about twenty years of labor. It was started in response to a call by Brethren Josiah Beverage and Joseph A. Miller at Rocky Ridge school-house, about five miles from where the Chimney Run church now stands. At their meeting Bro. Perry Ginger, the only minister at Chimney Run, with several others, was taken into the church. from this nucleus the work seemed to grow. A few years later Bro. Ginger secured the use of a sawmill shanty and opened a Sunday-school. Here the work was carried on by the assistance of ministers of the Valley Bethel congregation and a few others who were called from time to time to hold series of meetings. By the generous gifts of brethren, sisters and friends of the Second District of Virginia we now enjoy a good, comfortable house of worship at each place. Finally7, however, the question of division had to be considered. At a late council the majority voted in favor of division. By this decision, when ratified by the District, Chimney Run mission will become a separate congregation. And now since the division has been made, may the Lord add his blessing, and may each congregation open new fields for the expansion of the Kingdom! Bolar, Va. Chas. B. Gibbs. |