Buena Vista Church (1891-?)
The Gospel Messenger August 25, 1891 page 526 Vol. 29 No. 33 Dedication of the Buena Vista Church.— Having completed our neat little .church on the corner of Twenty- Ninth Street and Catalpa Avenue, last Sunday, Aug. 9th, was set for the dedication service. Bro. I. M. Gibson preached to a large congregation in the morning on the subject, Christ, the Foundation." For seventy-five minutes he delivered an entertaining and instructive disburse. In the evening the congregation again assembled to hear Bro. I. N. H. Beahm, who preached an able discourse on the subject of God's love. After the public service a meeting of members was held to consult upon the subject of organization. There are about thirty members living in the town. All present expressed a desire to be organized at once, and the preliminary steps have been taken in that direction. The ministerial work will fall on the writer and Bro. Gibson, who will shortly settle among us. It is our purpose to have preaching twice every Sunday, also Sunday-school and prayer-meeting. We ask the prayers of all God's people for the success of the Buena Vista church. —B. C. Moomaw. |