Bridgewater Church (1907)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 25, 1908 page61 Vol. 47 No. 4 Cooks Creek congregation met in council at the Bridgewater church Nov. 9, with eld. E. Long presiding. At the meeting a division of the congregation was made, which had been in contemplation for some months. As the congregation was very large, we thought we could do better work by dividing it into two congregations. The line was drawn by a committee, appointed at a former meeting, placing four churches on one side, with one church and Bridgewater College on the other side. The four churches retain the old name. Dec. 21, our division called a meeting for the purpose of organizing the congregation. Eld. H. G. Miller, of the Beaver Creek the congregation, presided. It was decided to call the new congregation Bridgewater, and Bro. E. Long was elected as our elder. The following officers were elected: Bro. M. A. Good, clerk; Bro. D. S. Thomas, treasurer; Ida Fry, correspondent; Brethren Jno. S. Garber, Jno. A. Wenger and Marshall Garst, trustees for the church. It was decided to hold our council meeting quarterly, beginning the second Saturday of February, 1908. – Ida E. Fry, Bridgewater, Va., Jan. 13