Belmont Church (1913-61)
The Gospel Messenger April 19, 1913 page 253 & 256 Vol. 62 No. 16 Belmont.—Kid. I. A. Miller, of Nokesvllle, came here April 3. and preached a splendid sermon at night. The day following, April 4, we, the members of Spotlsylvanla County, met in council, with Elders I. A. Miller and I. N. H. Beahm present. Eld. Miller presided. We considered the matter of organizing a church here. Our boundary will be the county line. The congregation is called Belmont, and starts with a membership of twenty-three. Eld. S. A. Sanger was chosen as our older, and also as president of our Christian Workers' Meeting. We were called in session at half past ten, and remained until nearly three o'clock. The elders remarked that it was an enjoyable day to them. We appreciate their words of encouragement and the interest which has been shown ever since the work first started here. Not quite three years ago. May 8, 1910, the first sermon by the Church of the Brethren was preached here by Eld. H. C. Early. Bro. Sanger is to secure a minister to conduct a series of meetings sometime this fall. —Florence E. Rodeffer. Hoiladay, Va., April 7. |