Antioch (Bedford County) (1872-1952)
Christian Family Companion Aug. 26, 1873 page 541 Vol. IX No. 34 Dear Brethren Editors: I wish to inform your readers, that the Brethren organized a church here in Bedford Co., Va., a little less than one year ago. The brethren of Franklin, Botetourt, and Roanoke counties, each having a few members in the county, consented to cut us off, and give us the privilege of choosing and elder to have the oversight for the present year, which lot fell on Elder Peter Nininger, of Botetourt county, Va. There are four small societies of the brethren in this county: one up near Stanton River: one north of that, some ten miles; one north of that, some ten miles; one, at Falling Creek, about twelve miles south-east; and another near Liberty, the county-seat. The number of members in the county is between fifty and one hundred; and slavery being out of the way, the prospect is good for a large church in old Bedford. We have preaching once a month, (sometimes oftener), by the brethren. Brethren John C. Moomaw and Jno. W. Eller were with us three weeks ago, and preached the word with power. Six were received and baptized, and still others waiting for another opportunity. Oh May the time speedily come when all the inhabitants of the earth shall be made to cry out, “Men and brethren, what must we do to be saved.” On the third Saturday of last month, July, we held an election for a preacher. The lot fell on brother Jno. E. Danner, who cheerfully accepts. May the Lord aid him, and bless him in his calling. Brethren pray for us, that the Lord may visit this part of his moral vineyard with and out-pouring of his Holy Spirit. Let us all labor faithfully to the end, that we may obtain the crown which the Lord has promised to all the faithful. I. A. B. Hershberger. Liberty, Va.
Christian Family Companion & Gospel Visitor May 11, 1875 page 317 Church News. Dear Brother Quinter: As church news is solicited, I thought I would send you from this part of God’s moral vineyard. This church has only been organized about three years, at which time it had but very few members and only two deacons. But by the help of our heavenly Father, we have prospered in our Master’s cause. Last July one year ago, we had an election for a speaker. The lot fell on you unworthy brother, who is now writing. Last fall we held another election and a deacon, the choice for speaker was brother Samuel B. Stiff; and the deacon, brother I. A. B. Hershberger. And on 23rd of April, 1875, another election was held for a speaker and three deacons. The choice of speaker was brother, John Moomaw, Charles J Meador and James Lindsay. May the grace of God the Father enable then to be faithful in the Master’s cause. The church thought it best to advance you humble servant to second degree in the ministry, and to make a choice of Elder John Brubaker as our overseer of the next year. We had a feast of good things at our meeting on the 23rd of April. We were made to feel that the Spirit of Christ was sin our midst and that to bless the labors of his servants. Brethren Layman and Naff were with us. They ministered to the word of God as revealed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We fell that we have been edified and that sinners have been warned to flee from the wrath to dome. May the good Lord bless the labors or our dear brethren that much good may be done to honor of his holy name and the good of souls. We also feel much strengthened I the cause of Christ by having the help of our beloved brother Henry A. Beahm, a minister in the second degree, who moved to our congregation from Roanoke Co., Virginia. He is an able speaker and a zealous brother in Christ. May God bless every effort made by man to promote His cause. May His word run and be glorified, until the whole human family be brought to saving knowledge of His grace, is the prayer of your unworthy brother in Christ. Fraternally yours. John E. Danner, Liberty, VA