Angel's Rest Church (1905-26?)
The Gospel Messenger July 29, 1905 page 480 Vol. 44 No. 30 Eggleston.—June 14, Eld. W. H. Naff and Bro. M, I. Dickerson, of Redoak, Va., came to our place and preached three sermons for us. On Saturday the members were called together for the purpose of organizing a congregation, and to elect a minister and a deacon. For minister the lot fell on Bro. S. C. Thompson; for deacon, on Bro. Ballard Perkins. The writer was chosen secretary and treasurer. Eld. C. M. Yearout was chosen elder over the little flock, only nine in number. We named the congregation Angels' Rest. Brethren, pray for us that we may hold up the faith once delivered to the saints. May the Lord help us to let our light shine. — N. F. Kingrea, Eggleston, Va., July 24.